When we picked Joash's name, we thought we had picked a great name. It was different, didn't remind us of any former students and the way it was spelled is the way that you say it. Alas, this has proven to be untrue. At the doctor and public health office, he is almost always called "Josh." So, I am constantly correcting, "It is Joash. Two words. Jo-Ash." We have had a few interesting variations too, which I am not even sure how to put into writing. Yesterday I was at the bank and while we were waiting for the computer to finish up my transaction, the teller was talking to Joash. She asked what his name was, so I told her. "That is different," she replied. This is pretty typical response, so I smiled and gave my usual explanation that it is from The Bible. "Oh," she said, "Do you call him Jo? or Ash?" "No," I said, "Just Joash." Sheesh. Joash is his name and Joash is what we call him.