Avis is a hard working principal at an elementary school. Kat is a student at a local Christian University. When they first meet at Souled Out Church, they have no idea how much then need each other. In Stand By Me, Avis has a lot going on in her life. She is a busy educator, a wife, a mother, and a leader in her church. But, life is far from perfect. Avis has not heard from her daughter, Rochelle, for several months. When a bunch of college students start to attend her church and rent an apartment in her building, she finds them to be somewhat annoying. Kat is one of those college students and she feels that Avis is not that pleased with her. Kat is a new Christian with high ideals. She is an education major who is passionate about teaching people about all sorts of things. She values good nutrition, green living and other ideals that do not work so well in the inner city. But, through all of her ideals, the things she is missing the most is the love of her family. Her ...