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Showing posts from March, 2012

It's Been A Long Time

Hello my blog readers. If you didn't notice, I have been a bit absent from blogging, other than a few book reviews. We were living at the farm while Wilbert's parents were away and I didn't want to bog down their computer with all of my pictures. We were also a bit under the weather, so we just took a little break. I plan to catch up next week, including an interview with a super fun 17 month old.

Almost Amish - Nancy Sleeth

The Amish is a society that have always intrigued outsiders. While reading Almost Amish , I was surprised by how much I really have in common with them and the way that they live. Nancy Sleeth and her husband are committed to living a life of simplicity and one that is good for the Earth. In pursuing this, Sleeth has come to realize how much the life she and her family leads is like that of the Amish. The aim of Almost Amish is to show good that can be found in the principles of the Amish life and how those of us who are not Amish can apply these to our own lives. Sleeth focus on ten different principles that range from keeping a home clean and simple, to knowing your neighbors, the use of money, the importance of family and the importance of faith. She gives the Amish background and examples for each principle and then gives tips on how to be “almost Amish” in our own lives. These are all very practical and simple things that everyone can do with a little bit of effort. The book e...

Stand By Me by Neta Jackson

Avis is a hard working principal at an elementary school. Kat is a student at a local Christian University. When they first meet at Souled Out Church, they have no idea how much then need each other. In Stand By Me, Avis has a lot going on in her life. She is a busy educator, a wife, a mother, and a leader in her church. But, life is far from perfect. Avis has not heard from her daughter, Rochelle, for several months. When a bunch of college students start to attend her church and rent an apartment in her building, she finds them to be somewhat annoying. Kat is one of those college students and she feels that Avis is not that pleased with her. Kat is a new Christian with high ideals. She is an education major who is passionate about teaching people about all sorts of things.   She values good nutrition, green living and other ideals that do not work so well in the inner city. But, through all of her ideals, the things she is missing the most is the love of her family. Her ...

The Boys

Joash really likes to go outside. I am really looking forward to spring and summer. I have lots of plans for different things we can do outside. It has been pretty nice the last few days, so we have been taking Joash out so he can walk around on the drive way.  Joash is having a pretty intense discussion with his dad. I just loved watching my boys walking around out side. Joash looked so grown up. It is fun to see what things he notices, which are so different from what we notice. His focus is a two foot circle on the ground and he finds things like pine cones, pine needles and rocks very interesting. I am so excited to watch him discover his world this spring and summer.

Joash's Artistic Side

Earlier, I posted about Joash's photography experiments. Well, his artistic streak has continued. He moved his magnet letters to say things:  Sounds like the start of a great poem, doesn't it? And this is his first drawing. We have tried scribbling before, but he wasn't really into it. But a few days ago he created this: Beautiful, don't you think? I am sure there will be many more arts and crafts to share on this blog in the years to come.

Time For a Post

Sorry it has been so long. I know my family gets a little antsy when I don't post for a while. Life has been pretty normal. Not boring or anything. Just normal. So a few pictures for you.   Playing Peek-a-Boo while Mom is folding laundry.  Reading books. At this point in time, I think we could get rid of all of Joash's other toys. As long as he has books, he is happy. Good thing his mom has connections. And the next one need a little set up. Joash really likes pushing buttons on things. He likes to turn the radio on and off, play the music on his Fridge Farm and anything else that has buttons. Today he learned how to turn the camera on and off and took his first picture. He was a little scared after the flash went off, but then thought it was a pretty cool. I better go hide the camera in a better spot for now.