M(om): Hi Gideon! How are you doing? G(ideon): I am doing great mom. Though I have a bit of a runny nose, but I still am pretty happy. M: What is new this month? G: Well, I keep trying new foods and I like them quite a lot. I wasn't so sure about chicken the first time around, but when you put some sweet potatoes with it, then it was really good. I like purees and cereal the best. Some days I like bread an other things with more texture and other days not so much. M: Well you still are doing really well eating and I can tell that you are more satisfied and content when you belly is full of foods other than just milk. How is the crawling going? G: I am very happy dragging myself around the house. I have been able to explore so many interesting places. My favorite is under the desk. There are so many pretty lights and cords down there. Why don't you let me stay, mom? M: Well, is just isn't the best place for you to play. Are there any toys or things you really...