This time of year always brings to surface some interesting facts about life in the midwest.
Some people have to deal with traffic noise, or airplanes that fly low over head. The noise pollution here comes from grain dryers running 24/7 as the farmers bring in their seemingly endless supply of grain.
We all have experienced our minds playing tricks on us were we think we see one thing until we look again closer and realize it is something totally different. Today is was 70 degrees out, but as I was coming home from school, I saw little white flakes floating through the air. Since it is November, my mind immediately said "snow." It took me a minute to realize it was chaff from the grain elevator.
It is always windy here. Okay, maybe I exaggerate, but it sure seems like it. But, the wind does bring one blessing. We have yet to rake our leave once since we have been here. They just blow down the road to the corn field.
Only in the Midwest will you find such things.
Some people have to deal with traffic noise, or airplanes that fly low over head. The noise pollution here comes from grain dryers running 24/7 as the farmers bring in their seemingly endless supply of grain.
We all have experienced our minds playing tricks on us were we think we see one thing until we look again closer and realize it is something totally different. Today is was 70 degrees out, but as I was coming home from school, I saw little white flakes floating through the air. Since it is November, my mind immediately said "snow." It took me a minute to realize it was chaff from the grain elevator.
It is always windy here. Okay, maybe I exaggerate, but it sure seems like it. But, the wind does bring one blessing. We have yet to rake our leave once since we have been here. They just blow down the road to the corn field.
Only in the Midwest will you find such things.