A little up date on the little one and pregnancy. Here I am at 28 weeks, getting bigger by the day. I had my 28 week check up (hopefully my last on in the States) and everything look great. I am measuring at 28 weeks perfectly, my glucose test came back normal, the baby's heart beat is right at 150 and the baby is kicking and moving a lot.
All is well as we continue to prepare for our move. The biggest thing on our minds right now is our house. It still has not sold and some possibilities that we had sort of fell through. We trust that God has a plan and his timing is perfect. We would really like to not have to worry about our house though once we get to the Island.
I also made the plunge and bought some cloth diapers. I went with a sample pack, so I got four different diapers for a package deal. The plan is to try these diapers out once our baby is born and fits in them and see which ones we like best and then complete our set with about 12 more of the winning diaper.