M(om): Joash, Can you believe you are 5 months old already?
J(oash): Of course mom! Look at all of the stuff I can do!
M: What can you do?
J: You know mom. I smile at you. I laugh sometimes. I like to make a laughing face, and I am working on getting sound to come out all of the time. And I can roll over.
M: You can? How come I never see you do? Why do you only do it in your bed?
J: I just don't like to show off, Mom.
M: Okay. So how about bath time?
J: I am starting to like them more and more. You saw me kicking and splashing a little bit. I think it will be more fun when it is warmer out.M: Any other new stuff?
J: I am getting really good at sitting with support. I like that I can see everything around me and I don't have to bend so far to get things into my mouth.
M: Care to talk about sleep at all?
J: Well, I have figured out that I don't really need to cry to fall asleep. (Why are you jumping up and down with joy, mom?) It got really tiring after a while, so now I just roll onto my tummy and fall asleep. Nap time is pretty good. I am so much happier when I take a few good naps.
M: So, Joash, what is up with this sleeping position?
J: It is comfortable mom. I like sleeping on my hands flat on my face. My hands hold my nose up just high enough so I can breathe just fine.
M: Any thoughts about when you are going to give mom a break and sleep for some nice long stretches at night? You used to do it.
J: Oh, I don't know Mom. I am a growing boy and I need my food. Plus, I miss you during the night. But, once I see you and get a nice meal, I am all set to go back to sleep again.
M: Well, thanks again Joash. I will let you get back to you toys.
J: Thanks Mom. Have fun making lunch.