A few mornings ago, I was in bed, enjoying the last few minutes of rest before I got up for the day. Wilbert had just left and Joash had not made a sound yet.
"Great," I thought, "That was a mouse trap. And he just had to wait until after Wilbert left to get his breakfast of peanut butter."
Bang! Scamper! Bang! Scamper!
"Oh man! It's not dead yet. It is trying to escape, but it is pulling the trap with it. Yuck! I hope it not running all over my house. Maybe if I wait here a little bit longer, it stop moving and die."
A few minutes later the racket is still going on down stairs. So, I get up, get dressed and psych myself up to be tough and take care of the mouse. I can't have a mouse running around the house when Joash gets up.
It is still stuck between the wall and the oven. Only one of its hind paws is stuck in the trap, so it is not going to die any time soon. I got a small trash can and laid it on its side hoping the mouse would run into it. That doesn't work, so I open the door to the entry way, set the trash can on the step and sweep the mouse and trap into the trash can. I quickly take the trash can outside.
"Now, I need something big and heavy."
I spot a log by the fire pit, grab it, dump the mouse on the driveway and put it out of its misery.
What a way to start a day.