I am not going to complain about the weather. We certainly do not have it as bad as some other parts of the country. Spring is on its way...slowly. Over the last week, we had some nice sunny days that were on the warmer side. Not really warm yet, but warmer. And the sun just begged us to get outside. And while I am a summer lover and love being in the sunshine, I would be very okay with a late or even on time spring this year. That way baby #2 can arrive, and we can hopefully be a bit settled before Wilbert has the long field hours making silage. Last year, spring was very early and Wilbert was in the thick of silage right when our baby is due. So whenever I get a little bummed about Spring coming so slowly, I just remind myself that it will be better this way.
Joash really enjoys picking up sticks, which makes that clean up chore go easier. He helped at Oma and Opa's, too.
The sandbox isn't out yet (hopefully this weekend) but Joash found a bit of dirt to dig around in.And he had to pull out his big loader tractor. He is really looking forward to playing outside in the summer.