Well, if feels like fall is coming to a close. It is time to get out the winter gear.
We have even had a bit of snow. Enough even that Joash and Wilbert made the firs snowman of the season. I didn't get a picture of it, but Joash was so excited to play in the snow.In other news, Mataya has started cereal and she loves it!
And a little funny story for you. Wilbert most often shaves with an electric shaver. Joash has watched the process numerous times. The other day Joash comes over to me and says, "Mom, do you like my shaver?" I look and in his hands his is holding his small battery powered tow truck. It has buttons on it that play music, made various tow truck noises and ones that turn on the motor that drives the truck either forward or backward.
"Your shaver?" I ask.
"Yes. See?" And he proceeds to push the button that makes the truck self propel forward and holds the spinning wheels on side of his face. His shaver. Too cute!