It seems that everyday Joash finds some different things to do. Little tasks that he really enjoys and takes very seriously. His little missions.
For example, he is now starting to pick up his toys a little bit at the end of the day. Espeically his books. He will pick up all of the books and put them in the books basket. He takes this little mission very seriously and checks over the floor several times to make sure he has gotten all of the books.
Another thing he really enjoys doing is playing with cookie cutters. My cookie cutters are stored in a tin. If I open the tin, he will take all of the cookie cutters out, one by one and lay them on the floor. Then he will put them back in the tin, one by one.
One his latest missions in the pop cans in the pantry. He will take each pop can out of the box...
And then walk a few steps over the table and set the can on the table.And then he will take them down again and put them back in the box. He did this at least three times in a row today. I am not sure why, but it was a very important mission to him.