Yesterday and today we said good-bye to Jander and Tiffany. They heading to Uganda for the next year where Jander is teaching music at school in Kampala. You can follow there adventure here.
We have been enjoying seeing them so much this summer. Joash and Mataya love their oom and tante (uncle and aunt for you non-Dutch speakers). Jander and Tiffany are really great about spending time with them.
The boys also had to get in one last trombone duet before they left. Mataya was sleeping inside, so they opted to play outside. So our neighbors got a nice recital as well. (Nice borrowed red crocs Wilbert!)
Joash gave the trombone a try too! It is a bit big for him right now, but he will grow into it. It will be interesting to see which instrament he picks some day.
We will miss you Jander and Tiff, but have an awesome time serving the Lord in Uganda!