Joash loves to play hide and seek. He is not very good at though yet. First of all, when it is my turn to hide and his turn to count, he counts way too fast and I hardly have time to get into a decent spot to hide. Second, when it is his turn to hide he does a pretty good job of finding a place to hide in the house. (Outside, he thinks if he is near the trees, he is hidden, even though he is plainly in view.) But as soon as he knows you are looking, he starts to say, "Here I am! Over here!"
Today after supper, we prayed as we always do. We always have to remind Joash to close his eyes and fold his hands. He is pretty good at doing it, but he often covers his eyes with his hands. Tonight, after we said "Amen," Joash had his hands over his eyes. "Where are you?" he asked. Wilbert asked the question back to Joash and he replied, "Over here!" Then he took his hands off his eyes, giggled, and said, "My eyes were hiding!"
Here is a nice picture where Joash's eyes are hiding. Wilbert would like me to point out the "manure scraper" hooked up to the 6410. Thanks for the Flessenlikker Tante Bertha.
And how can you be sad when this is face you see when you get your 12 week old up from her nap.