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Deadly Proof by Rachel Dylan

Tapped as lead counsel in a corporate cover-up lawsuit against Mason Pharmaceutical, Kate Sullivan knows this case could make her career. What really drives her, though, is getting justice for the victims whose lives were ruined by the company's dangerous new drug. But when a whistleblower turns up dead, it paints a target on the back of everyone involved. 

Former Army Ranger turned private investigator Landon James steps in to handle security for Kate. He's still haunted by mistakes in his past and is determined never to let something like that happen again. But it soon appears someone is willing to do anything--even commit murder--to keep the case from going to trial. 

As danger closes in, Landon can't help but admire Kate's courage and resolve--but will her determination not to back down become too great of a risk? 

The one thing I like about this book was the focus on the lawyer side of things, rather than the detective or police officer side of things. That was a refreshing take on the Christian romantic suspense. But overall, this book fell far short for me. I found the story line predictable and the romance elements rather sappy. While this book may fall into the sweet spot for some, I will not be picking up any more books in this series.

I received a copy of this book from Baker Publishing in exchange for my review.


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