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Showing posts from July, 2014

One Thing That is Nice About Summer

Mataya is a pretty independent kid already. Much different than Joash not only when he was 1, but even now at 3 1/2. Joash still want help for all sorts of things, while Mataya would much rather try them on her own. One thing she really likes doing by herself is feeding herself. She enjoys using a spoon and even wants to try a fork every once and while. While this is nice, mealtime is by no means a clean event. So many times this summer so far, especially during supper we have just let Mataya eat in only her diaper and then put her right in the bathtub after supper.  This is what she looked like after supper a few nights ago. I think she enjoyed rubbing applesauce all over her belly a bit too much.

Garden Update

When we returned from our vacation, we were quite surprised to see how much the garden had grown in one week. And now we are starting to enjoy the bounty of the harvest from the garden. We have eaten potatoes, snow peas, and had our first beans last night for supper. Here is a little tour for you. Potatoes, broccoli, carrots and green onion. The one random corn plant is a field corn that Wilbert wanted to plant in the garden for comparison. Joash showing off the snow peas that are doing quite well. Beans are in front, tomatoes behind and sweet corn behind that. "Look at the nice little green tomatoes growing in our garden!" Where is Joash hiding? Oh, the corn is taller than he is! And starting to tassel, so hopefully we will get to enjoy some sweet corn soon!

A Little More Summer Catch Up

We have been busy the last little while, but I don't have any pictures to prove it. So, you will just have to take my word for it. Two weeks ago we were on a vacation with the extended Talen family to New Horton, NB. We stayed at the New Horton Lake Inn and used the vacation home they have there so we could all stay together, have a spot to cook, etc. It was lovely and we knew a bit of what to expect because we had stayed in the same spot 4 years ago. But this time around there were more in-laws and the two grand kids to throw in the mix, so it was a bit different from the last time. But it was a lot of fun. New Horton is located on the Fundy coast right in between Fundy National Park and the Hopewell Rocks . So we did some hiking and things like that. Since the kids needed naps in the afternoon, we went to a destination in the morning, were back for lunch and then the kids napped and we could do what we wanted in the afternoon. There was a lot to do with on the Lake and lots of...

14 Months

Mom: Hi Mataya! It is about time we get that 14 month interview done, don't you think? M(ataya): Yeah, Mom. Why are you so late?j Mom: Well, we were gone on vacation when you turned 14 months and then I was super busy with VBS. Now that VBS is over it is time get caught up again on the blog. M: Okay. I guess those are good reasons. I am growing so much lately. I love to stand! Mom: I know you like to stand. Do you think you will walk soon? M: I don't know Mom. I can do pretty anything I would like by crawling. I think this whole walking thing may be a bit over rated.  Mom: We will see. I think you will surprise yourself one of these days and take off walking. What about talking? M: It is so fun to talk when you understand what I am saying. I now say and wave "bye." and I can sign "please." Mom: It is so nice talking to you and helping you when I know exactly what you want. What other things do you like? M: I really like to go outside a...

Undetected by Dee Henderson

Sometimes it can take some time to learn the truth about who you really are and what you want from life. Sometimes confronting that truth can be difficult and frightening. But once you grab hold of it your whole life can change. That is the reality for Gina Gray and Mark Bishop in Undetected by Dee Henderson. Gina Gray is smart. So smart that she finished college by the time most kids are starting high school. And while she has done many amazing things with her intelligence, her biggest dream in life is get married and have a family. Yet, she finds relationships very challenging. Mark Bishop is a commander in the US Navy. Good friends with Gina’s brother, he and Gina’s paths cross again when Gina is on the trail of a major breakthrough in the way that sonar works.  She needs Mark’s guidance as this could change the entire world of submarine warfare. But, could this relationship move out from being simply professional to being the answer that both Mark and Gina are looking f...

Tropical Storm Arthur

Well, we are currently weathering my first major Tropical Storm since moving to PEI. Arthur is here and is certainly making is presence known. It is currently sunny, but very windy (gusting up to 90 km/h or 60 mph). The house does feel a bit shaky, but so far, so good. My clothesline has fallen down, but we can handle that. So we have been hunkering down, enjoying some time inside. Joash currently thinks wind equals cold, so he has said a few times that we should like the wood stove. Joash has also taken quite a liking to painting and drawing. Here a few of his latest pieces with the titles that he gave them when I asked him what they were. Got to love a 3 year-old's imagination.

Oh to be Three

I have learned as a parent that it is very important to have a sense of humor and pick you battles. For example, yesterday Joash played outside dressed like this: That's right. Rubber boots, swim suit, and a too small stocking hat. It was very hot and humid out. He wanted to hook up our soaker hose, so I told him he had to wear his swim shorts if he was going to do that. He went into change and came out like this. He listened. And he had a lot of fun playing in the water on a hot summer's day. In other news, we are preparing for Tropical Storm Arthur that is coming tomorrow. So, we have put the outside toys away and we are getting ready to hunker down tomorrow. Hoping it fizzles out a little more and everything will be okay.