But, all turned out well and we had a lovely Thanksgiving meal with the Buskers. Their children where as entertaining as ever.
Wilbert brother came up from college to spend the weekend with us. He brought tons of laundry since he could do it here for free. "Could" is the key word in that sentence since our washing machine clunked out last night while he was doing his first load. I had noticed once time before that it was leaking a bit, but I cleaned it up and did another load and it was fine. It started to leak again last night, so Wilbert took the front off to check it out. Water was squirting out of the bottom of the tub, so we figured a seal is broken or something. Then Wilbert tried something else, and it just stopped working all together. He figures he tripped a fuse or something on the motor. So, I just hope my handy local appliance repair man is working tomorrow.