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Showing posts from February, 2010

Another Step

Finally. Today we sent in all of my immigration paper work to the Processing Center. We have been waiting two months for all of the pieces we needed and now it is all sent away. We hope we have not forgotten anything and we hope that we did it all right. Now the waiting game starts all over again. But, we don't expect to hear anything for a few months. At least it is heading on its way to where it needs to be. It is out of our hands. I am just thankful that I know Who's hands it rests in.

More from the First Graders

This week in Children's Worship we began to talk about Lent. One of the kids asked, "Did Jesus hang on a cross or a tree?" I answered, "Well, a cross is made out of wood, which comes from trees, so people say both." Then the snowball of conversation began. "Paper comes from trees." "Really?" "I planted a tree once." "Trees can't grown in the desert very well." " I helped my mom plant flowers." And it continued from there. It makes me laugh to hear how their minds go from one subject to the next.

Detail Oriented 1st Graders

I teach Children's Worship for the month of February at church. This years class is huge and full of energy. But, they are all really good kids. They are just full of movement and questions. Here are few conversations from last Sunday. We took our offering for CRWRC specifically for the relief effort in Haiti. One little girl asked, "What do they need this money for?" M(e): They need to buy food, clean water, and build new houses since all of the houses fell down in the earthquake. G(irl): How are they going to buy food if they don't have any grocery stores. M: Well, the people who we are giving the money to will buy food in the US and bring it to the people in Haiti. G: How will they get it all there? M: They will take it on a plane . Another boy: Or a boat. M: Right. A boat would work too. Then later we got to our story which takes place in the desert. The stories all start the same talking about how the desert is strange place that is cold at night and hot during t...

The Story of this Winter

Is no school. Yep. Home again. Though really we weren't even supposed to have school this day. Being President's Day, we were originally scheduled to have this day off. But, with all of our snow days, this was scheduled as one of our make-up days. So now I guess we have to make-up the make-up. Well, now that it is getting close to play season, I have a few play things to work on. And I am sure we will watch some of the Olympics too.

Another Snow Day

Seriously. We are getting to the point where we can't handle a full week of school. I have stopped working much farther ahead then the next days lesson plans since it is hard to know when the next day will actually be. So today was full of a lot of non-school and fun stuff. Oh I take that back. I did finish up a novel for school, but for me, that is pretty fun. Here is what I did: Slept in. Made some cards, took pictures of them and posted the pictures on my card blog. Got our tax stuff together for our tax return. Finished a book that I was reading for fun. Spent some time on the computer on Facebook and Stumbling around. Played some on-line games. Watched an episode of Cake Boss (not nearly as good as Ace of Cakes, I always skip over the parts when he is yelling). Walked to church to drop off some stuff, the post office, and the library. Read another book (yes, a whole one. It was a quick read and a very engaging story.) Worked out. Had some nice meals with my husband. And soon ...

I laughed Until my Sides Hurt

This is one of those stories that was really funny, but I am not sure if it will be funny to anyone else. But it is still making me laugh, so hear goes. Today in speech class, I had my students draw a picture and then they had to show their picture to the rest of the class. Since I didn't want it to take to long, I just had the student stand by their desks and show their picture to the class. I told them to oscillate (like a fan) so everyone could see their picture, because "oscillate" is a way cooler word than "turn." That would be the geeky English teacher coming out in me. Well one class really grabbed on to the word "oscillate" and they were getting on each other's cases for not oscillating enough. Then one student said, "Oscillate. Doesn't that have to do with pregnancy?" Well, the whole class lost it, including myself. We had no clue what word he was thinking off. Finally one girl said, "Do you mean "dilate"?...

Why Haven't I Heard of These People Before?

I used to think that I was really on top of things when it came to the Christian music scene. I knew all of the new bands and songs and enjoyed them all. But, I have found my new favorite at the Calvin Worship Symposium - Keith and Kristyn Getty . I didn't really know who they were, so I didn't sign up for their session. But, then they led us in worship at the first large worship service and wow! They were awesome. Then I learned that they wrote this song I know. You may have heard of it too. It is called "In Christ Alone." How come I didn't know who wrote "In Christ Alone," probably one of the top five worship songs to have some out in the last 10 years. And here they were, leading us in worship. So cool! They are fantastic for lots of reasons. First, they are Irish, so they have cool accents. Second, they write songs that are very singable. They call themselves "modern hymn writers" which makes a lot of sense. Their songs are great for congre...

Seeing the Big Picture

I was at the Calvin Worship Symposium this past week and it was awesome. I think that everyone who is involved in a church in any way should go. I have lots to say about it, so I am going to try and focus on a few different things in my next few entries. One of the things I came away with from this conference was a renewed sense for how universal the church is. I know that the body of Christ is worldwide, but when worshiping with people from all over the world, I couldn't help but be struck by it. I also appreciated how the conference spanned the diversity of church styles in their worship services. There were two worship services every day and they ranged from very liturigcal with songs sung by a choir in Latin, to a gospel choir and preaching style, to a contempory service with a full praise band, to hymns sung with the organ. And no matter what style the worship service was, God's name was being praised passionately and that was wonderfully refreshing.