I was at the Calvin Worship Symposium this past week and it was awesome. I think that everyone who is involved in a church in any way should go. I have lots to say about it, so I am going to try and focus on a few different things in my next few entries.
One of the things I came away with from this conference was a renewed sense for how universal the church is. I know that the body of Christ is worldwide, but when worshiping with people from all over the world, I couldn't help but be struck by it.
I also appreciated how the conference spanned the diversity of church styles in their worship services. There were two worship services every day and they ranged from very liturigcal with songs sung by a choir in Latin, to a gospel choir and preaching style, to a contempory service with a full praise band, to hymns sung with the organ. And no matter what style the worship service was, God's name was being praised passionately and that was wonderfully refreshing.
One of the things I came away with from this conference was a renewed sense for how universal the church is. I know that the body of Christ is worldwide, but when worshiping with people from all over the world, I couldn't help but be struck by it.
I also appreciated how the conference spanned the diversity of church styles in their worship services. There were two worship services every day and they ranged from very liturigcal with songs sung by a choir in Latin, to a gospel choir and preaching style, to a contempory service with a full praise band, to hymns sung with the organ. And no matter what style the worship service was, God's name was being praised passionately and that was wonderfully refreshing.