He had a check-up today. He weighs 11lbs and is 23 inches long. So he certainly is growing. Overall the doctor thought he looked great. Next week is his first round of immunizations. I am a little nervous about that, since I am not sure how he will react to them. Thankfully car rides usually put him to sleep, so hopefully that will be the case on that day as well.
I have already mentioned my "Word of the Day" screen saver that I have on my laptop that is hooked up to the projector in my room. I am learning that the words go in cycles a bit, so the same word will pop up in several classes during the day. Today's popular word was "entitlement." A fantastic word to share with teenagers who often think they are entitled to a whole lot of stuff. In fact, we as humans often think we are entitled to a whole lot of stuff when really we are fallen people who deserve nothing but death. We so often miss how wonderful and blessed our life really is and we get caught up on the little things. This video sort of puts that in perspective in a rather humorous way. I am by no means promoting this comedian, but if you take what he says to heart, it is so true. We live in an amazing world, created by an amazing God. We really should be happy with the blessing we have been given.