Sorry. It has been a little while since I posted. I have been busy with:
1) My little boy. Now that he only takes one nap a day, blogging time can be hard to find. But Joash is great and he has learned to say his name and has mastered the word "cracker."
2) Usborne Books. I have had some great home shows and school sales as of late, which means I driving all over to deliver the books.
3) Church stuff. I am on the VBS committee and we have been having lots of meeting lately getting ready for VBS in July.
4) Packing. We are moving in the next few weeks to a house across the road from the farm. So, I have been packing up books and other things that we don't use all that often to get ready for the move. Packing is certainly a long process when you have an 18 month old who is very good at UNpacking.
5) Reading. I am reading a really good book right now. You will see a review about it soon.
All of this has also made me neglect my camera for a the last few days. I will try and post some new pictures soon.