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Summer Vacation 2017

This was supposed to be the first of probably a few post about our wonderful family vacation in Michigan with my parents and sisters.

Instead it is a post about our vacation, on PEI. The kids at home with Oma, Opa, Tante Reina and Wilbert. Wilbert home with the kids or visiting the hospital.

At 4 am on the morning of July 15th, instead of going to the airport to fly to Michigan with the kids, Wilbert and I drove to the hospital where I was soon admitted and fast tracked to have my gall bladder removed.

A little bit of background. I have been struggling for a while with random bouts of pain in my abdomen and back. Back in October of 2016, I did go the ER with this pain. At that time, the doctor determined I was having esophageal spasms, a surprisingly common thing for a woman who had a baby 5 or 6 month ago. After my time in the ER, I did not have any further issues until April of this year.

In April, I had 10 of these episodes in 20 days. Most often they would last for 30 minutes or so and then I would recover and be able to carry on. I would be tired, but able to function. But after about 5 or so, I decided I better go the doctor. Through lots of testing and waiting for other appointments, it was finally decided in June that my gall bladder was the cause of the problems and I was put on the list for surgery happening sometime in September.

In the mean time, I felt pretty good and continued with life as usual. I watched the fat in my diet and overall was fine. But, for whatever reason, the evening of July 14th, my gall bladder attacked again.

I had my normal gall bladder attack symptoms in the evening after supper. We decided to just go to bed and see how I felt in the morning. I woke up again at 11pm with pain in my back and a heavy pressure on my chest. It was so uncomfortable to lay down, so I went down stairs to sit in the recliner in our living to try sleep some more. But, I really couldn't. at 4am, when we needed to get up to go to the airport, Wilbert and I talked and prayed and decided the hospital was where I needed to go. By 10am I was admitted and by noon I was in a room in Unit 2. My gall bladder was removed Sunday evening and I also had an ERCP on Wednesday morning. I was able to come home late Wednesday afternoon and I am recovering slowly but surly.

So, yes, we were so bummed to miss our vacation in Michigan with everyone. But, can we just take a moment to see how we saw God working in all of this?

1) This all happened after VBS week, where I was the opening and closing worship time leader. Back in April, I was hesitant about if I should agree to do it again this year with my health. But, I did  and God provided me good health to be a part of this ministry.

2) Since we were going to be gone on vacation, Wilbert's dad was all set and ready to take over the farm chores for the week. So, he did that anyway and Wilbert still had a break of from farm work and didn't really have to worry or try to do everything. He could focus on his family and have a stay-cation. I think I will do another post later about all of the little project and fun things he did with the kids.

3) Since we were going to be gone on vacation, both Wilbert and I had arranged for all of our other obligations, church and otherwise to be covered. Another thing we didn't need to worry about.

4) Wilbert's family lives across the road from us and had no problem jumping in to care for the kids. When the doctor and I were deciding the best course action for my care, he gave me the choice of being admitted or going home and having the surgery as an out patient later in the week, "in case you are worried about your family and kids." And I could honestly say my kids are well taken care of, so lets just get this taken care of too.

5) When Wilbert and I prayed at 4am, we really didn't know what to do. But as we prayed for God to be big and heal me, Wilbert started to feel physically sick too. We took that as a sign that we needed to stay home and get to the hospital.

6) When we arrived at the ER, we were amazed at how empty it was. I was in a room and had  seen a doctor in less then 30 minutes and I had pain relief within the hour. Thank you Lord for quick relief.

7) While we waited for blood work and doctors to consult, Wilbert worked on contacting the airline and seeing what happened with our tickets. Since we were able to cancel before the flight took off, we did get some credit that we have a year to use. So, we will be going to Michigan sometime in the future, but not totally sure when. It might be next summer, but we are thankful we didn't loose out completely.

So, not the vacation we had planned, but a time of rest and a break from the norm none the less. I read a whole bunch of books, rested a whole lot and continue to do so as I heal. I am so grateful for all of the friends here who have brought us food, texted and visited while I was in the hospital and those who stepped up to fill in for us while I recover.


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