He still can sleep just about any where.
Where has the time gone?I can't believe my little boy is 10 weeks old already. We survived the two month immunizations. Thankfully he reacted to them by being extra sleepy, rather than extra cranky. He has a little cold right now too, but he is still pretty much his normal self. He keeps cooing and is continuing to smile even more. I saw several fleeting smiles this morning. But, of course, as soon as I grab the camera, he decides he is finished. He is quite strong in both his neck and his legs. He really enjoys standing up on feet with support.
We had a wonderful New Year (more on that later this week), but I am looking forward to a week with no plans at all. I want to work hard this week on getting Joash to go down for sleep better. Once he is asleep, he does very well. But, if he gets over tired, he can't relax enough to fall asleep. For example, last night he slept from 9:45pm to 4:15am, but it took him 45 minutes to fall asleep. So, I am going to try and pay close attention to him and figure out his sleep cues and try to get him in his crib before he hits the overtired stage.